VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2015 ) > List of Articles
Swati Verma, Madhusudan Upadya
Keywords : Excision, flexible fibreoptic bronchoscopy, general anaesthesia, laryngomalacia
Citation Information : Verma S, Upadya M. Anaesthesia and laryngomalacia - A case report. Indian J Respir Care 2015; 4 (1):585-587.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-11010-04113
License: NA
Published Online: 02-12-2022
Copyright Statement: NA
Laryngomalacia is one of the commonest causes of congenital stridor in neonates. The treatment depends on the severity of the stridor. We present a case of 12 day old neonate with a history of stridor who was diagnosed to have laryngomalacia on clinical examination and confirmed by flexible fibreoptic bronchoscopy. The neonate underwent excision of excessive aryepiglottic fold under general endotracheal anaesthesia with controlled ventilation as the definitive surgery.