Indian Journal of Respiratory Care

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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2013 ) > List of Articles


Use of Airtraq as a rescue device in intensive care unit

Nanda Shetty, Rohith Krishna, Tajammul Sayeed

Keywords : Airtraq, difficult intubation, airway management in ICU

Citation Information : Shetty N, Krishna R, Sayeed T. Use of Airtraq as a rescue device in intensive care unit. Indian J Respir Care 2013; 2 (1):244-246.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-11010-02114

License: NA

Published Online: 05-12-2022

Copyright Statement:  NA


Inability to secure an airway in a hypoxic patient is a nightmare for every anaesthesiologist. The challenge doubles when such situations occur outside the operating room. Many new airway devices have been designed to overcome this difficulty. Airtraq is a videolaryngoscope which has been successfully used in the operating room as a rescue device during difficult laryngoscopy. We describe two such scenarios where Airtraq was used successfully to secure the airway in patients with poor or no glottic view on direct laryngoscopy.

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