Screening for COVID-19 Risk Using VIEW (COVID-19 Early Warning) System
Shardul Joshi, Gajanan Sakhare, Aditi R. Pais
Keywords :
COVID-19 risk, NEHA coaches, screening, VIEW zone
Citation Information :
Joshi S, Sakhare G, Pais AR. Screening for COVID-19 Risk Using VIEW (COVID-19 Early Warning) System. Indian J Respir Care 2021; 10 (2):206-212.
Background: As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, a safe workforce reentry for people with elevated individual and occupational risk from COVID-19 is essential. Risk stratification may help to identify individuals with COVID-19 risk levels and take appropriate measures.
Objectives: (a) To reduce the burden of (COVID-19 among) corporate health-care ecosystem by multiple layers of screening of employees and their families through Nurse Education Health Assistants (NEHA) mobile application and using VIEW (COVID-19 Early Warning System) scores. (b) To offer teleconsultation services to individuals with the assistance of doctors and NEHA coaches (c) To assess accuracy/efficacy of VIEW system.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey using NEHA mobile application was conducted among 2424 employees and their families of a leading multinational company. The human resource staff of the company collected data using NEHA application and uploaded it through a web portal. Further investigation was carried out by NEHA coaches through telephonic consultation using VIEW data.
Results: More than half of the participants received the same VIEW scores by system and doctor zone, i.e., A VIEW score (58.54%), B VIEW score (59.63%), and C VIEW score (66.67%). System zone of VIEW system was compatible to categorize participants depending upon the level of risk probability toward COVID-19. Furthermore, NEHA coach and doctor gave the same VIEW scores under A (81.74%), B (67.63%), and C (38.46%).
Conclusion: VIEW system is useful to detect risk probability toward COVID-19 infection and stratify patients under different VIEW zones to prioritize medical care, identify isolation needs, identify hospitalization needs at a scale.
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