Patients require admission to intensive care unit with endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation for various reasons. It can last for a short duration or could be prolonged. The endotracheal tube is removed once the underlying problem is resolved and is called planned extubation. Sometimes extubation occurs unintentionally and is called unplanned extuabtion. Unplanned extubation could be accidental or self extubation. There is a potential risk of unplanned extubation as long as the patient remains intubated. As unplanned extubation can lead to catastrophic events, it is ideal to have a weaning protocol in place so that the patients are extubated as soon as they satisfy the extubation criteria. This CME article mainly focuses on the risk factors for unplanned extubation in the adult intensive care unit and the complications associated with it. The strategies for prevention of unplanned extubation has been highlighted at the end.
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