Citation Information :
Balakrishnan P, Arun Babu T. Ewing Sarcoma of Chest Wall (Askin's Tumor) in a 3-year-old Child: A Case Report. Indian J Respir Care 2023; 12 (1):100-102.
Fever and difficulty in breathing in a child are common symptoms encountered in routine practice. Often, the underlying cause will be infectious etiology due to bacterial, viral, or tuberculous. However, a malignancy of the paraspinal soft tissue region mimicking infectious disease clinically in a child is challenging to diagnose and treat. Here, we report the Askin's tumor of the chest wall diagnosed in a child presented with fever, worsening dyspnea, and unilateral lung whiteout on a chest radiograph to insist on the importance of extensive and earlier evaluation even for common clinical symptoms.
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