Indian Journal of Respiratory Care

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VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2014 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Effect of oxygen injection sites on fraction of delivered oxygen (FDO2) during noninvasive ventilation – An experimental lung model study

Lincy Devasia, Heera Lal Mahto

Keywords : Delivered oxygen concentration, noninvasive ventilation, oxygen injection site

Citation Information : Devasia L, Mahto HL. Effect of oxygen injection sites on fraction of delivered oxygen (FDO2) during noninvasive ventilation – An experimental lung model study. Indian J Respir Care 2014; 3 (2):440-443.

DOI: 10.5005/ijrc-3-2-440

License: NA

Published Online: 30-11-2022

Copyright Statement:  NA


Introduction: The two-level noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is the most commonly used mode of ventilation in the treatment of early respiratory failure. During NPPV, the inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2) could be influenced by various factors such as the inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP), the expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP), the O2 flow rate and the site where O2 is added to the circuit. Aim: To investigate the effect of IPAP, EPAP, O2 flow rate, leak and the O2 injection sites on the fraction of delivered oxygen (FDO2). Methodology: A lung model was constructed to simulate noninvasive ventilation with bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) without leak and with 10% leak, the oxygen analyser was placed proximal to the ventilator to measure FDO2 when oxygen was injected at three different sites. The portable BIPAP device was set to spontaneous/timed mode. Inspiratory and expiratory pressures of the BIPAP device were set at 10/5, 15/5, 15/10 and 20/10 cm H2O. Results: This study revealed that there is a variation in the FDO2 with a change in the position of connection of oxygen tubing, leak in the system and the oxygen flow rate. Conclusion: During NPPV, the FDO2 varies significantly with O2 flow rate and presence of leak. Higher O2 flow rates and lower amounts of leak provide a higher FDO2. Higher FDO2 is achieved if the oxygen tubing is connected proximal to the patient whereas the effect of ventilator settings on FDO2 is not significant.

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