A Rare Case of Contarini's Syndrome: A Diagnostic Dilemma
Rahul Gupta, Sukhjinder P Singh, Arjun Kumar
Keywords :
Carcinoma breast, Case report, Contarini's syndrome, Pleural effusion
Citation Information :
Gupta R, Singh SP, Kumar A. A Rare Case of Contarini's Syndrome: A Diagnostic Dilemma. Indian J Respir Care 2024; 13 (2):121-123.
Presence of pleural effusions bilaterally are frequently experienced in clinical practice. Most of the pleural effusions having bilateral involvement have similar causes. The occurrence of bilateral pleural effusion with various causes for each side, also known as Contarini's syndrome, is rare. Here, we present the interesting case of Contarini's syndrome. Herein, we present the exceptional case of Contarini's syndrome, in a 53-year-old female of carcinoma breast, who developed bilateral pleural effusion of different etiology on both sides. Finally, we conclude that Contarini's syndrome is an uncommon entity. Pleural fluid aspiration from each side for bilateral effusion should be performed to investigate the etiology of bilateral pleural effusion in cases of uncertainty regarding alternate diagnosis.
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